The clean solution

MEIKO TopLine combined care units

A must-have in the dirty utility room

The washer-disinfector with an assistant system – in this case, the compact version, making space available for staff and for workflows to run safely and efficiently.
Wave water

Available in several versions

Just a MEIKO washer-disinfector is not sufficient for a functional utility room. You will also need sufficient work surfaces, storage spaces, slop sink units and wash basins to ensure that processes can run optimally. Our combined care units in cabinet format are available in several versions to suit the conditions in the room and customer requirements.

Product lines and versions may vary from one country to the next due to statutory requirements or other reasons. Please ask your local contract partner. He/she will be glad to help you find a model suited to your needs.

Version: 05/2021. We reserve the right to make changes as part of product improvements.